Roger and Katie
Roger and Katie
Injured Tom and Fluke
Tom and Fluke
Tom and Fluke
Roger, Katie, Oliver, and OC
Oliver and Emma
More Fluke and Tom (10/12, trace/Painter Classic) From Fluke. Tom compliments Fluke's drawing skill. Characters are proportional but not very cleanly rendered.
Fluke Astley and Tom Riddle (10/12scan/Painter ClassicFrom Fluke. Fluke visits Tom in the hospital after concussing him by accident.
One more Fluke and Tom (9/28, scan/Painter Classic) From Fluke. I really like how the 'romance' is handled in the story - it keeps Tom in character.
Hogwarts School gallery
Harry Potter fanfiction fanart 

Roger Davies and Katie Bell (2/22, scan/Painter Classic) From Oliver Wood and the Heritage Curse. The second-tier, slightly out-of character couple. Roger has an earring!

Oliver Wood and Emma Baxter (3/3scan/Painter Classic) From Oliver Wood and the Heritage Curse. The cheesy main couple; Emma is a Ravenclaw beater. Comic version.
More Roger and Katie (7/24, scan/Adobe Photoshop LE/Painter Classic) From Oliver Wood and the Heritage Curse. I actually like this couple more than Oliver and Emma.
ginny ha-ha
Roger, Katie, Oliver, and Emma (8/28, scan/Adobe Photoshop LE) From Oliver Wood and the Heritage Curse. Emma has bandages because she's accident-prone.
Tom grabs Fluke
Tom and Fluke
Fluke and Tom relaxing (3/15scan/Painter Classic) From Fluke. One of the few moments where they hang out like a real couple. Note the snake sketches.
Fluke tries to escape from Tom (3/15, scan/Painter Classic) From Fluke. The moment where Fluke realizes something's not right, but of course it's too late...
Tom and Fluke
Fluke and Tom at the hospital (3/22scan/Painter Classic) From Fluke. Other takes on the Fluke/Tom hospital scene; I didn't like how the first one turned out.