Lisa Turpin
The Quindecimdei: Lisa Turpin (10/26, Painter Classic) I just like how this sketch turned out.
Aidan Quimbly, inexplicable Slytherin
Aidan Quimbly (9/14, Painter Classic)
I like the pose and wistful look on his face in this sketch.
James Potter as a teenager
Old school exam tiles: James (12/13,scan /Painter Classic) Sketch looked good and improved with ink and watercolors. 
Severus Snape as a teenager
Old school exam tiles: Severus (12/13, scan /Painter Classic) Sketch looked good and improved with ink and watercolors. 
Younger Dumbledore, with Tom Riddle
Young Dumbledore and Riddle (8/18, scan/Painter Classic)  I like the unfinished feel of this.
An uneasy Nearly Headless Nick
Nervous Nick (2/29, Paint Shop Pro)
My best version of the Gryffindor ghost in a poignant moment.
Ron Weasley, looking peeved...
Ron Weasley (3/3, scan/Painter Classic)
I like Ron, and I like how this experiment in wet oils turned out.
Harry and Cho with the snitch
Harry and Cho (5/20, scan/Painter Classic) It's cute, the drawing's pretty good, and I like the unfinished watercolors.
Sketches of 'Chamber of Secrets' characters
Chamber of Secrets (2/16, ink)
I really like how all these character designs turned out; I feel bad I never colored anything.
Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang, Second Task
Cedric and Cho (2/16, scan/Painter Classic)
One of my first scanned pieces. I like the drawing and soft coloring; it evokes a cozy mood.
Hogwarts School gallery
Harry Potter fanart microgallery