Harry Potter is a series of books written by JK Rowling. They follow the adventures of the titular character, who attends a boarding school for wizards with his friends. The books gained worldwide fame for their popularity with children (and some adults) despite their lengthy size and are currently being adapted into popular motion pictures.
Production Notes
Books: 6 (out of a planned 7; one more to go...)
Pages per book: ~ 450, but the fifth book was over 850 pages
Publisher: Scholastic Books (US), Bloomsbury Books (UK)
Illustrator: Mary GrandPre (US)
Date first released: 1998 (US), 1997 (UK)
Movies: 3 (out of a possible 7; 4th released fall 2005)
Movie Length: ~2 and a half hours
Producer: AOL Time Warner
Directors: Chris Columbus(1-2), Alfonso Cuaron(3)
Date first released in US: November 2001
Other Notable Merchandise
Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, by JK Rowling~ Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans from Jelly Belly
This site is devoted to art inspired by the Harry Potter series.
Tools used: oekaki -w/mouse; MS Paint -w/mouse; Painter Classic - w/ drawing tablet and scanner; Paint Shop Pro - w / tablet and scanner, Adobe Photoshop LE - w/ tablet and scanner. The characters and scenarios are not mine, but the property of JK Rowling, Scholastic Books, and AOL Time Warner.
Created: Sept 2004
Pics: 7
Built by: Homestead