+ the house of wick +
Located here are requests done for one Lewis Wick, mainly to improve my drawing. Mr. Wick is a Digimon fanfiction writer and artist.
Neo Queen Kari series - 5/28 - 6/2
I'd shied away from his requests previously because his pictures were quite good and detailed; I didn't think I'd be able to live up.  It ended up being kind of fun; he was a good person to get feedback from, and the experience improved my people drawing tremendously.  I could do Kari in my sleep now.  Ah yes. Neo Queen Kari is a FM version of Kari - she's about 28, with pink hair, a Crest of Light tattoo, and Gatomon's appendages.  If you're not into FM stuff, like me, you can also think of this as a Neko-Kari or a Gijinka-Gatomon.  Drafts: * * *
Final Picture, full length with robe, 6/1, MS Paint
Final version, without robe and close-up, 6/1, Jiggly's, advanced oekaki
Watercolor oekaki final, Jiggly's, 6/15
Queen Kari series - 6/12 - 6/15
Because I'm a glutton for punishment, I'm trying another of Lewis Wick's creations.  It's pretty much the same Kari but without the ears, tail, and robe and with a nifty ribbon thingy and fingerless gloves, which I forgot in the first draft.  This first draft is mainly because I'm confused what tiara to use...  I knocked this out eventually because I wanted to move on to other things, like my homework... I got stuck on the aura, so I made it yellow and framing. I'm more or less satisfied with it... Draft: *
Final version, MS Paint 6/15
Kaizer Yamato's
Taichi and Lilymon (Lilychi) - requested by Lewis Wick, 7/2
Something I just felt like drawing, so I did; strangely, Lilymon was easier to draw than I thought.  Taichi was a different story; his hair is so difficult. The result's pretty clean, which I like...
Kaizer Yamato's, 7/12; tankini pic
Saka's, 7/13; businesswear pic
Kari series -  7/8 - 7/28
Ugh, the most massive Lewis Wick request yet. Finished, after nearly a month, but it was kind of like fashion art. Teehee!  Outfits: Kari in two-piece; Kari in business attire; Kari in funeral wear; Neo Queen Kari in summer outfit; Kari in two summer outfits ; another Neo Queen Kari in summer outfit ; Kari in winter outfit.  Draft: *

7/21, Kaiser Yamato's - someone asked for my first oekaki request based on this. hmm...
Saka's, 7/1; funeral attire pic
MS Paint, 7/28
MS Paint. 7/28
MS Paint, 7/28
Hippie Kari series -  7/25 - 8/12
In Lewis' words, 'wearing a baggy tye-dye shirt and headband. She is also wearing bellbottoms, sandals, and purple tinted small-lensed glasses. Try to make her with her 01 hairstyle. Gatomon  has been tye-dyed and her gloves are gone.'  Draft: *
MS Paint, 8/20
Orange-haired Tai - 9/1-11/3
'He kept his 02 style hair, but the same thing that keeps him young also has mutated his hair follicles to match the color of his crest, orange His outfit leads you believe he is stuck in some sort of 24 hour Gap commercial, with the guys in khaki cargo pants and white T-shirts, and he's a fan of leather shoes when he isn't playing soccer. '
Mermaid Kari - requested by Lewis Wick in late July, I think
Someone else said they'd do it, but I had already done a subconscious sketch anyway.  I found it today while digging around my files and thought I'd post it, since the person still hasn't presented it yet...
MS Paint, I don't recall the date but I did it in the middle of hippie Kari
Painter Classic, 10/26
Painter Classic, 11/3
Drafts: * * * *
Painter Classic, 11/18
Painter Classic, 12/10
Painter Classic, 12/10
Painter Classic, 12/10
Painter Classic, 12/10
Painter Classic, 12/11
Painter Classic, 12/11
Fanmade digimon  -  1/7 - 1/20
Something I fooled around with over winter break on plane trips.  I decided to do some of Lewis' female digimon because hey, they're human-like.  There's Sunflowermon, an Ultimate who also has some water traits, and Nixiemon, a Rookie mermaid-type. In a fairly new idea, I scanned in the drawings I did over break.  I'm going to try to color them in using Painter Classic. Drafts: * *
back to front
Painter Classic, scanned, 1/20
Painter Classic, scanned, 1/20
Painter Classic, scanned, 1/20
Cyborg Sora - 11/16 - 12/11
Ah, a red-headed Sora with really spiffy outfits and uh, a bionic left arm.  Basically there are lots of casual outfits and a formal suit, and I get to mix and match them! Neat!  Drafts: * * * * 
Tomoemon  -  3/9 - 3/31
Another of Wick's Digimon I found myself doodling while at work, so I guess I'll see what advice he can give on finishing it up.  It's a ninja version of Lilymon, I guess, and I sure hope that shuriken are throwing stars, because that's how I interpreted it... Scan/Painter Classic. Draft: *
Bald Matt  -  3/9
Lewis Wick described his FM version of Matt as being bald due to an overuse of haircare products (a running gag in the first season of the US version of the show).  Teehee, I found that funny, and now that I have a scanner, I was able to bring it online and color it in with Painter Classic; whoo!
Matt is bald! Ha!
Painter Classic, scanned, 3/31
Painter Classic, scanned, 3/31
Outline-less watercolor from the second Toemoemon picture
Lilydramon  -  4/14 - 5/4
Another of Wick's Digimon I found myself doodling while at work, so I guess I'll see what advice he can give on finishing it up.  It's an evil serpentine version of Lilymon, I guess, and I have no idea about half the stuff he described, but still, it sounded interesting... Scan/Painter Classic. Draft: *
Painter Classic, scanned, 3/31
Neo Queen Kari -  6/3
Well. it's been almost exactly one year since I did my first drawing for Lewis Wick, and to celebrate the occasion, I went back and did Neo Queen Kari again on MS Paint with a mouse.  Ugh, can't believe how crappy last year's drawing looks now.  I may stop now.
Neo Queen Kari, re-done