Digimon Season 1 (Digimon Adventures)

Good: Tai/Sora, Joe/Mimi
Bad: anyone with Matt; I disliked him in this season that much!
Indifferent: pretty much any other coupling
Digimon Season 2 (Digimon 02)

Good: Matt/Sora, Ken/Yolei, Izzy/Yolei, Joe/Mimi, Davis/Kari
Bad: I don't think there are any, really...
Indifferent: pretty much any other coupling
Official: Matt/Sora, Ken/Yolei, Tai/Sora (one-sided), Davis/Kari (one-sided), Mummymon/Arukenimon (one-sided), Jun/Matt (one-sided)
Digimon Season 3 (Digimon Tamers)

Good: Takato/Juri's kinda cute..., am now into Ryo/Rika and Henry/Rika
Bad: Takato/Rika rubs me the wrong way, for some reason
Indifferent: Kazu could couple well with many of the Tamers...
Official: Takato/Jeri (one-sided)

who I like with whom (mostly heterosexual)

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If my artwork is any indication, I suppose my power couples are Matt and Sora, Joe and Mimi, Ken and Yolei, and Ryo and Rika.
Digimon Season 4 (Digimon Frontier)

Good: I guess JP/Zoe's cool, and so's Takuya/Zoe...
Bad: meh...
Indifferent: feh...
Official: Takuya/Zoe (one-sided?), JP/Zoe (one-sided)
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