Joe/Mimi: + + +
Matt/Sora: + + + + + + + + + +
Tai/Sora: +
TK/Kari: + +
Mummymon/Arukenimon: +
Izzy/Yolei: +
Ken/Yolei: + + + +
KenMiya (by Demiveemons Candy Eater, colored by me): +
Ryo/Rika: + + + + + + +
Izzy and his daughter: + +
TK, Patamon, Lee and Terriermon: +
Calumon and Malomyotismon: +
Girl Party (Jun, Davis, Henry and Suzie): +
Rika dressed as a Card Captor: +
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+ version 3.1 upm +
Cutekemon (by Metal Alimon): + gij.
Gundammon (by Metal Alimon): + + gij.
Lilydramon (by Lewis Wick): + +
Mewmon (by jbangelmon): +
Nixemon (by Lewis Wick): + +
Metal Alimon (by well, Metal Alimon): + gij.
DarkImpmon and FMDD (by tamer rika and renamon): +
Ryomon (by Metal Alimon): + + gij.
Sunflowermon (by Lewis Wick): + + +
Tatomon (by Metal Alimon): + gij.
Toemoemon (by Lewis Wick): + + + +
Fanmade Digimon
gij. = includes humanized Digimon
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